Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Filter Eliminates Sports Betting Champ Losses

I have exciting news today regarding Sports Betting Champ. You see, the last NBA season, we ended up 80-1 and in the current MLB season, we are currently 59-4. You would think that was pretty damn good but John Morrison is always tinkering away to better himself and the results of Sports Betting Champ. Well, he's done it again to make the MLB odds even better in our favor. Here is the email I just received from him...

Over the last few weeks I've been hard at work tweaking the MLB system to truly perfect the art of winning on baseball bets. We've been on a hot streak, going 9-0 so far this month in August. I'm excited for the winnings we've had and the winnings to come! But, we should always strive to become better, and I've got some great
news for you!

You may have noticed that on August 12th, the Texas Rangers and the Atlanta Braves began a 3-game series against teams that had swept them previously. But, I never sent out the picks for them and you may have questioned the reason why.

The truth is, sometimes teams may have the motivation, but yet they lack the talent to be able to fulfill their goals. Texas and Atlanta are prime examples of such teams, and sure enough, my prediction came true as neither of them were able to cover either series.

As you probably have already known, we went 80-1 this year in the NBA. The MLB isn't as kind because in this league there's no such benefit as a point spread that helps to adjust the balance of a game between two teams of vastly different skill levels. Although the MLB system dramatically increases your chances to win, it's
apparent that additional consideration should be applied to help adjust to teams varying levels of performance.

I'm happy to let you know that my findings have been a tremendous success, and with the enhanced filter you will be able to eliminate almost all losses from here on out!

I want to introduce you to the Relative Power Index (RPI). Each team in the MLB is rated by an RPI score - the higher the score, the better the team. The RPI is calculated using the team's winning percentage with consideration of the quality of their opponents. Luckily, the RPI is calculated for you and kept up-to-date at all
time. You can check for each team's RPI score at:

The new rule we want to adopt now is to pass on any series where the team we're supposed to wager on has an RPI value that's more than *** lower than our opponent's.

Let me give you an example:

On 8/12 Texas started a 3-game series against Boston, who had swept them previously. Taking a look at the RPI chart and assuming that these were the RPIs shown on 8/12, we can see that Texas has an RPI score of .504 while Boston has an RPI score of .532. That means Boston is better than Texas by an RPI margin of .028. Since Texas's
RPI is more than *** below their opponent's RPI, we can conclude that they were not reasonably capable of winning against Boston under acceptable risks, and it was best to pass on the series.

Basically, we just don't want to bet on any team that's far worse than their opponent beyond an acceptable level of risk. Furthermore, we should pass on any series where the team we're betting on is playing against any of the *** highest-RPI-ranked teams.

I've back-tested these 2 new filters throughout the week over the last 20 years of baseball and have found that virtually almost all losses would be eliminated. Does this mean that we'll have fewer games to bet on? Yes, of course it does... but not by much. You'll have about 27% less series to wager on, but in return, you will
eliminate almost all of your losses. We'd be at more than 40 wins to 0 losses this year using the new filters. As a matter of fact, there has only been one occasion where we would have lost a series in the last 5 years of MLB baseball under the new filters!

On a last note, I want to mention to you that although we're 9-0 so far in August, it's important to keep in mind that as the playoffs approach, the level of risk increases as we head toward September. Teams who are out of the playoffs may not try their very best, and teams with hope of making the playoffs may try harder than usual. I will take each series on a case-by-case basis and let you know
which series has an acceptable level of risk to bet on, which are best to be passed.

So there you have it. Another new filter to the Sports Betting Champ system to make it even better than before, and with virtually eliminating all possible losses, the subscribers will be even happier as well. Less games to bet on but virtually no losses is a winning combination in my opinion and I look forward to seeing the new system in action. If you have not joined yet, then this is a golden opportunity to start because with the new system, I got two words for you - Huge Profits.

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