The win not only made it the 78th wining pick for this NBA season with only 1 loss, but also the 505th winning pick in the last 4 seasons (including this one) of both NBA & MLB seasons, conceding only 15 losses to date. An amazing record with only 1 more team to bet on this NBA season so if you have not joined yet... tooo late - well actually, you are just in time for the MLB season just about to start but besides the final game, that's a wrap for this year's season currently reflecting a stunning 98.73% success rate with 1 game in the season left to play which will obviously the final statistic. Like I said, a great time to start with the MLB season just about to start and John promising a fantastic season.
Back to the game... check out the action above; - Roger Mason #8 of the Washington Wizards goes to the basket against the defense of Damien Wilkins #21 of the Seattle SuperSonics on March 26, 2008 at the Key Arena in Seattle, Washington. Isn't that an amazing photo really capturing these finely-tuned athletes... that can jump really, really high, eh?
OK, so the 1st quarter starts and the Wizards look good finishing the session 29-23 with a nice 6p point lead already. The 2nd quarter starts after a break and OMG, what happened? 21-33 with Seattle looking smug thrashing Washington by 12 points and taking back the lead by 6 points with a half-time score of 56-50 to the Supersonics. OK, so not good. Washington have to win by 5 points so trailing by 6, especially when they were leading in the 1st... don't you hate that?
On a side note, whilst writing this post, I thought I better advise my results as promised previously about revealing John Morrison's NHL system. Well I got good and bad news for you folks. Good news is I just confirmed winning another 2 out of 2 games tonight with Atlanta beating Florida 3-2 (1-0,0-1,2-1) and Dallas losing the game 2-3 to San Jose but still winning the bet on the +1.5 spread with the exciting cliffhanger going down 1-0,1-1,0-1 and 0-1 in overtime.
And back to the game... The 2nd half started and it was an 18-19 disappointment for Washington bringing the score to 68 points to Washington compared to Seattle's 75 which were now leading by 6 points and considering that Washington needed to win by 5, they now had to win the next quarter (the final quarter) by a big 11 points and considering the whipping over the last 2 quarters, this task seemed pretty unachievable. In fact, I had started to accept the unthinkable happening, but then the 4th quarter started and it looked from the outset that the Wizards were back on the court to live up to their name and reputation. Wham, the dunks came flying and the great, almighty, never doubt them again, Washington Wizards ended up winning the quarter by a right-back-at-ya 12 points bringing the total score to 104 points to the Wizards verses 99 points to Seattle, reflecting a win by 5 points. Holy Moly, time to triple-check the betting slip... Plus 3 made the spread -4.5 meaning they needed a 5 point win to win. Yehaa!! Another slam dunk win, even if by only just a smidgen half-point nothing between hero and loser. Yep, thems the breaks. I'm just glad I'm on the winners list with SportsBettingChamp..
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